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See in detail how Interviews work in Pinpoint
How do I conduct interviews in Pinpoint?Schedule and automate interviews in Pinpoint with ease.
What security policies does Cronofy have for accessing our calendar system?Learn about Cronofy's security policies and certifications.
Interviews Calendar FeedSee every interview in Pinpoint on your own calendar
Important Terminology for InterviewsLearn about the Pinpoint users who participate in interviews.
How can I create an Interview Template?Create standard interviews to use across your hiring process.
Configuring interviews with multiple partsPrepare for and host interviews with multiple parts using Pinpoint.
How do I synchronize my Calendar with Pinpoint?Link your calendar to Pinpoint to schedule and manage interview events.
How do I link my video conferencing system to Pinpoint?Automatically generate meeting links via your video conferencing platform and send them to candidates and interview team members.
How do I set my interview availability rules?Configure your availability rules to set your preferred interview times and buffer periods.
What are Group Assessments?
How do I enable Group Assessments?
How do I create a Group Assessment?
How do I add or remove a session to a Group Assessment?
How do I change the Invite and Confirmation email to a Group Assessment?
How do I add a Group Assessment to a Job or Hiring Workflow?
How do I invite a candidate to a Group Assessment?