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How do I create a Hiring Workflow?

Define the separate stages in the hiring process that you want for any given job vacancy in Pinpoint.

Harry Langdon avatar
Written by Harry Langdon
Updated over a year ago

In Pinpoint, you will create templates defining the separate stages in the hiring process that you want for any given job vacancy. Once one is created it can be used for any job vacancies that you create in the future. 

You may wish to create a hiring workflow for each type of hire, so for example you could have separate hiring workflows for junior hires, middle-level management hires, executive hires, and technical hires, with the more junior hires having fewer stages than the senior hires. Additionally, you may want a slightly different workflow for a customer-facing hire, for example, with a role-playing exercise forming part of the hiring process.

Create a Hiring Workflow

First, browse to the navigation on the left-hand side of your Pinpoint Panel and select 'Templates' under the 'Settings' section.

Next, click in the Hiring Workflow tab, click 'Create New' and name the workflow:

The below page appears. To edit the hiring workflow drag and drop the buttons at the top into the workflow:

Note: a video interview is only for those who have an integration with specific video interview providers, such as MyInterview or Sonru.

In this example I will drag the 'Interview' button down to the area below the first Interview. The box on the right hand side will appear where you fill in the information:

Here you can also choose to show the stage Externally. By doing this it will appear on at the bottom of your job application page, as shown below:

You can also duplicate hiring workflows to save you a bit of time:

Once you've finished your hiring workflow, you can add it to an existing job or a new one.

Further Reading

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