How do I create a Hiring Workflow?Define the separate stages in the hiring process that you want for any given job vacancy in Pinpoint.
How do I edit a stage in a hiring workflow?Easily customize your hiring workflows by editing individual stages.
Can we prevent an application from being submitted based on answers to questions in the application form?Create a seamless candidate experience and easily approach suitable applicants for future vacancies.
How can I move a candidate to the next stage in the hiring workflow?Easily move candidates between stages in the hiring process to streamline your workflow.
Will a candidate receive an email notification when they are moved to a different interview stage?Learn whether candidates are emailed automatically
Will a candidate be sent an email when I reject them?Candidates will not receive an automatic rejection email when moved to the 'Rejected' stage in the Hiring Workflow.
How do I use Offer Management in Pinpoint?Submit offer letters to candidates and track their acceptance or declination within Pinpoint's offer management feature.
How do I add a Question Set to a Hiring Workflow Stage?
Hiring Workflow Groups
How can I automate sending a custom email template to a candidate upon application / when moved to a specific hiring workflow stage?Take advantage of Workflow Automations to reduce your manual workload.
How is the Edit Hiring Workflow page structured?Understand your options for editing Hiring Workflows to suit your needs.