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Welcome to Pinpoint: A Guide for Hiring Managers
Welcome to Pinpoint: A Guide for Hiring Managers

Discover how to set up your profile, connect your calendar, adjust your notifications, and review and interview candidates in Pinpoint.

Edd Slaney avatar
Written by Edd Slaney
Updated over 12 months ago

Welcome to Pinpoint!

In this guide, we'll take you through the initial setup steps and then dive into some of the tools that'll make recruitment super quick and easy for you to manage.

What does Pinpoint do?

Let's get started!

Step 1: Accept your invitation to join Pinpoint

Your system administrator should have added you to the system and assigned you any necessary permissions. When they do this you'll get emailed an invitation from Pinpoint.

Click the button in the email to set your password, then you'll be logged in ready to move onto the next step.

Step 2: Set up your profile

Whilst not absolutely necessary we recommend setting up your profile so that it can be displayed on your jobs for candidates to see. Candidates want to see who they're going to be working with and it's an opportunity for you to give them a reason to apply.

Step 3: Connect your calendar

We recommend connecting Pinpoint to your calendar so that scheduled interviews are automatically entered into your calendar. This means you'll never miss an interview and a link to the candidate's details will be right there in the calendar appointment.

Step 4: Set your Availability Rules

You can be specific about when you are happy to conduct interviews. For example, you may not want to conduct interviews between 9 - 11am on Monday morning, well you can set your availability rules so that you won't have to! Note, if you do not set these, then Pinpoint will take into account your default availability rules which are set as 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday.

Step 5: Adjust your notifications

By default, you'll receive notifications (via email and within the app) each time a candidate submits an application to one of your jobs. This may or may not be what you want.

If your HR team plan on reviewing candidates first and then passing over the best one's to you, then you should turn off the 'New Application Submitted' email notification. You should then turn on a 'Moved to' stage notification which means you'll get emailed whenever the HR team moves a candidate to the that particular stage, such as a review stage, or an interview stage.

If you plan on reviewing all candidates that apply then you can leave your email notification settings as they are.

Reviewing Candidates

Whether you've opted to receive notifications each time a candidate applies to one of your jobs, or whether you'll only get notified once your HR colleagues have moved someone to the review stage, the notification will contain a button that takes you straight to the candidate's profile where you can view their completed application form and resume.

Here is the workflow we recommend:

1. Review the application form. Here, they'll have entered a personal summary (it's a bit like a cover letter) and will have answered the questions you asked on the application form. It will look a bit like this:

2. Review the resume (click on the 'Resume' tab). The system presents the resume to you so that you don't need to look at the original document. This saves you time, as it presents the information to you in a consistent format and provides some useful interpretations of the job function and level of seniority as you can see below:

3. Now that you've reviewed the candidate, you should give them a star rating from 1 to 5 so that the rest of the hiring team can see what you think and your rating will be combined with your colleagues to display an average.

To give them a star rating, click the stars, as shown here:

4. Next, as a hiring team, you'll want to decide whether to move the candidate to the next stage (e.g. Interview) or reject them.

Firstly someone will need to move the candidate to the relevant stage. Then, once that's done someone will need to either send the candidate a rejection email or invite them to schedule their interview. Each organization will have its own procedure so we recommend liaising with your HR team to understand what this is.

To move the candidate simply select the relevant stage from the dropdown shown below which is located beneath the candidate's name:

5. We recommend also writing a comment on the candidate's profile so that the rest of the hiring team can see what you think. You can also view their comments here too. Click on the 'Comments' tab to do this. These comments are only visible internally to colleagues who have permission to view the job.


Ahead of an interview, you may want to familiarize yourself with the candidate. You'll have a calendar appointment in your usual calendar (e.g. Outlook, Gmail, or whatever you usually use) which has a link that'll take you straight to the candidate's profile.

Pinpoint is designed to work beautifully on tablets or any other device so you might wish to have the candidate's profile open on your device during the interview, for ease.

You'll also be able to fill in interview scorecards from there by clicking on the 'Scorecards' tab on the candidate's profile, as shown here:

You can also add your interview notes here too so the rest of the hiring team and see what you thought, and for a central record in case you wish to refer back to it.

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