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How is the New Job page structured?
How is the New Job page structured?

Learn about Pinpoint's New Job page in detail to understand how its fields and options affect your job postings.

Dom Hughes avatar
Written by Dom Hughes
Updated today

We've divided the New Job form into seven parts:


What's the role?

Enter the job title here.

What's the employment type for this role?

Choose from a list of employment types. A user with the Company Manager permission assigned can specify what Employment Type options show here by going to Company > Profile > Preferences.

Which location and department does the role belong to?

Select a location and department for this job from your company's Organisation Structure. The location will also dictate which Equality Monitoring Template is used. By default we pass the location specified here to external job boards as the job's location.

Which team member is recruiting for this role?

An optional field. Choose a Pinpoint user from the list. Marking a user as the recruitment manager automatically grants them access to this role in Pinpoint.

Choose users that you want to allow to view this job and its candidates.

Choose additional Pinpoint users from this list whom you want to allow to view the job and its candidates.

Who is the hiring manager for the role?

Choose a Pinpoint user from the list to be shown publicly on the job description as the Hiring Manager. The assigned hiring manager's profile will be displayed on the external job page if it has been made publicly visible. Marking a user as the hiring manager will not automatically grant them access to this role in Pinpoint. See How do I add my profile as a Hiring Manager? for more on this.

Who does this role report to?

Here you can enter free text to show on the job description who the job reports to. You could enter a name, a job title or even a department - its your choice, and it's completely optional.

What is the salary?

Show compensation

If you select yes, the compensation will show to candidates and employee dashboard users.

Compensation currency

Choose the currency of the compensation using this drop-down box.

Compensation Time Unit

Choose the time unit of the compensation using this drop-down box. You can choose from Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Every two weeks, Monthly, Yearly.

Compensation Minimum

Enter the minimum compensation for this job.

Compensation Maximum

Enter the maximum compensation for this job.

If the compensation is a single figure and not a range, then enter the same value into the minimum and maximum.

Looking to enter free text?

Sometimes you may want to represent the compensation using more than just numbers. We have a free text option where you can enter the compensation in the format of your choice. Note that the free text field is a legacy feature as it cannot easily be interpreted by services that rely on structured data to list jobs. The individual currency, time unit, min, and max shown in the sections will take precedence if completed.

How long will the role be open for?

Set an optional application deadline. Jobs will close at 00:00 at the end of the day you specify here in the timezone of your organisation.

Does the role support remote working?

Choose the workplace type. Your options are Onsite, Hybrid or Remote.


How is the job being advertised?

You have four options for a job's visibility, which we explain in more detail in our guide What are my different visibility options when creating a job?

Add a Requisition ID to help distinguish jobs with similar titles

An optional field to define a Requisition ID for internal usage only.

Automatically close this job when the number of applicants at the hired stage reaches the specified max headcount.

If you toggle this option to Enabled, we'll ask you to specify a Maximum Headcount. When the number of candidates who reach the hired stage of your hiring workflow equal the Maximum Headcount specified here, then the job will close automatically.

Add this job to a group or groups.

Pinpoint has the concept of Job Groups, allowing you to group otherwise unrelated jobs together for reporting purposes.


Select what stages applicants will move through for this job. You can choose from your organisation's Hiring Workflow templates.


Describe the role in detail

This is a mandatory field, where we ask you to describe the role.

What are the core responsibilities for the role?

We've divided this into two fields - a section header and a text box.

Section Header

This is the header for this section, you can change the header to reflect your tone of voice.

Key Responsibilities

This is where you enter the key responsibilities for the job.

What skills, knowledge and expertise does the candidate need to fulfil the role?

This section is optional. We've divided this into two fields - a section header and a text box.

Section Header

This is the header for this section, you can change the header to reflect your tone of voice.

Skills, knowledge & expertise

This is where you enter the skills, knowledge and expertise required for the job.

Why would a candidate want this job?

This section is optional. We've divided this into two fields - a section header and a text box.

Section Header

This is the header for this section, you can change the header to reflect your tone of voice.

Job benefits

This is where you enter the benefits available to the hired candidates for the job.

Upload additional files related to the job available for downloading on the careers site.

Here you can upload additional files to be shown on the job description. Files uploaded here will be displayed in the side bar of the Job's page on the career's site and and also directly underneath the job description. We will show a humanised version of the filename. For example, customer_support_job_description.pdf will be displayed as "Customer Support Job Description".

The following file types are accepted: pdf, doc and docx. The max file size is 10MB. Note that additional files are generally not supported by third-party job boards and may not appear on third-party job board listings.

Application Form

Personal Details

Choose what additional personal details you would like to collect. These questions will show in the application form. Answers provided by candidates will show in the Profile section of a candidate's application.

Do you want to ask applicants for their middle name?

This field will always be optional.

Do you want to know the applicant's address?

Would you like to ask the applicants for their date of birth?

This field will always be optional.

Do you want to require a phone number from applicants?

Would you like to ask applicants to provide a link to their LinkedIn profile?

This field will always be optional.


Ask candidates to provide additional information in the form of a résumé and personal summary.

Choose whether to show the resume section on the job application form, and if a resume is required when applying.

You can find the candidate's CV / resume in the Resume section of their application.

Choose whether to show the personal summary section on the job application form, and whether or not a personal summary is required when applying.

You can find the candidate's personal summary in the Profile section of their application.

Do you want candidates to be able submit a cover letter? Contact Pinpoint's Support team or your Customer Success representative to turn this option on for you.

Structured Sections

Ask candidates to list out items like education or employment history, where multiple responses are required. This feature will also enable you to flag any employment gaps, giving you a better understanding of each candidate's background. Each section can be created by a user with the Company Manager permission by navigating to Settings > Templates > Structured Sections. On the job's application page, structured sections appear after questions.


Specify what questions you'd like to ask candidates as part of their application. Our guide Using Template Questions on Job Application Pages explains how to set this up.

Do you want to include optional questions on the job application form to capture equal opportunities information?

Pinpoint's Equality Monitoring feature gives you the ability to ask candidates demographic questions to help you understand the level of diversification in your applicant base. Choosing yes will include the equality monitoring questionnaire assigned to this job's location.


Choose the channels you want to post your jobs to as an organic posting.

You have a number of toggles here for organic job posting. When you publish your job, we will send your job posting to the job boards toggled on here. Organic feeds are free and help increase the number of potential applicants that will see your job posting.

All customers by default will see Monster and here. If you are in the United States, Canada or Australia, you will see ZipRecruiter as an option.

If you have set up the LinkedIn integration, you will see LinkedIn as an option here. Learn more about this in our guide Using our LinkedIn Integration.

If you see this warning message, your organisation has not been set to Live. You need to be set to Live to be able to post to external job boards. Contact your Pinpoint customer success representative to discuss being set 'live'.

Location information to include in job feeds

By default, we send the location you've specified in section 1. Details. However, you may want to override the location and specify this on a job-by-job basis. If this is the case, then fill out the Town / City, County / State and Country fields here.

If you've selected the workplace type as Remote...

When you choose the Remote workplace type, you need to specify if the job comes with Location Restrictions. Read more about this setting in our guide Posting fully remote jobs from Pinpoint.

You can choose to specify a company name for this job.

By default, Pinpoint sends the company name defined in Company > Profile > Name to organic channels. If you'd like to specify a different company name (for example, a subsidiary company name) then enter this here. This field is optional.


Select workflow automations to apply to this job to improve and accelerate the hiring process. A common workflow automation is automating rejections based on answers provided in the application form. Find out how to set this up in our guide How can I automate candidate rejections based on application form answers?


You can choose whether or not to notify your organisation's users when the job is created.

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