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How can I create an Interview Template?
How can I create an Interview Template?

Create standard interviews to use across your hiring process.

Edd Slaney avatar
Written by Edd Slaney
Updated over 9 months ago

Pinpoint's interview template system allows you to create any number of standard interviews to use across the role you're hiring for in the business. These can include different methods of meeting the candidates such as face-to-face or via a video conferencing platform, they can include fixed length interviews or multi-part interviews where the candidate meets interview panels one after the other. They can also include interview instructions to both candidates and hiring teams respectively.

Templates are configured in the Settings area of Pinpoint, which you'll need the Company Manager role to access, but can be used by anyone setting up interviews.

Anatomy of an Interview Template

Name - It's up to you how many interview templates you create. You may have a standard series of interviews that are used across the whole business, or you may run different interviews in different departments, particularly if you wish to include vacancy-specific instruction to candidates as part of the template.

Type - Interview types help differentiate the type of interview you're running, which in turn helps decide what functionality is available at the point of invite. For example, invites for a Video Conferencing (Pinpoint) interview can only be sent out if at least one interview team member has their video conferencing platform like Zoom or MS Teams linked to the Pinpoint

Duration - Interviews can be of a single duration...

...or split into several parts (with a different Interview Team for each part)

Instructions and Documents - Instructions and documents such as PDFs can be added, and these will be sent to the candidates in their interview confirmation email, and shown in the candidate scheduling portal if they're scheduling their own time for interview. You can also add instructions to your hiring team here, and these will go to them in an interview notification email, and will be added to the calendar event in the calendars if they have their calendar sync'd with Pinpoint.

How do I create an interview template?

Step 1 - Navigate to the Templates menu under the Settings heading from the left hand navigation bar.

Step 2 - From the template pages, choose the Interview Types option.

Step 3 - You can either create an interview template from scratch, or if you have existing templates, you can duplicate them to create new versions.

How do I add an interview template to a job?

Step 1 - While viewing a job's overview page, click on any interview stage of the hiring workflow. When you do, the page will show a warning that an interview is not configured. Click on the Configure Interview button to start the process

Step 2 - The interview configuration page will appear. From here, choose the interview template you wish to use, and press the Update button

Step 3 - Confirm any other options about the interview that you need to, and then press the Finish Editing button at the bottom of the page. You should now be all set to start inviting candidates to interviews using that template.

Can I add default interview templates to new jobs I create?

You certainly can! Interview Templates can be assigned to any interview stage in a Hiring Workflow in Pinpoint, so that every time the workflow template is used, the interview stages are all configured and ready to go as soon as a job using the workflow is created.

Step 1 - Navigate to the Templates menu under the Settings heading from the left hand navigation bar.

Step 2 - Locate and open the Hiring Workflows area of the template menu. From here, pick out the hiring workflow template you wish to add your interview template to.

Step 3 - From the template editor, select an Interview stage (a blue one) and in the Interview Type field, select which of your template interviews you wish to use for the stage.

Next up, we'll look at how to invite candidates to an interview

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