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Agencies in Pinpoint
Peter Flickinger avatar
Written by Peter Flickinger
Updated over a week ago

Agencies in Pinpoint allow you to collaborate effectively with external recruitment partners while maintaining access and data security control. By enabling agencies, you can streamline candidate sourcing by allowing recruiters to submit candidates directly to Pinpoint. Agencies can also be set up to screen candidates, move candidates to new stages, and conduct interviews.

How do I create an Agency in Pinpoint?

Agencies can be created to help group external recuiters and manage which jobs they have access to. You may need this feature enabled for your account, or permission to view and create agencies before moving forward.

Agencies are not enabled by default. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to gain access to this feature. Once enabled, you will need the "Add create, update and delete agencies and invite agency users" permission.

  1. External Agencies Page
    Click on Company >> User Management >> External Agencies

  2. Create Agency
    Click on the Create Agency button on the right side of the screen.

  3. Name
    Assign the agency a name, and click Save.

How do I add users to an Agency?

Once you've added an agency, you are ready to start inviting users to the agency. This way, when you assign a candidate or job to an agency, every agency user will be able to access that candidate or job.

  1. Agency User Page
    Click on User Management >> Agency User

  2. Invite User
    Click the "Invite New Agency Users" button on the right-hand side.

  3. Assign Access Group
    Follow the fields on the form to pick an agency, assign an access group (you may want to create a specific group just for agency users), and add any user emails.

New users will receive an email inviting them to the platform. Once they create an account, they will have access to any assigned jobs or candidates. Here's an example of what that email looks like (sent from

How do I assign a Job to an Agency?

Once you've set up agencies, you can assign jobs to agencies. This will allow any user in that agency to add candidates to that job.

  1. Edit Job
    Navigate to the job you want to add to the agency, and go to edit the job. Or do the next step while creating a job.

  2. Agency Section
    Scroll down to the agency section at the bottom of the job form. Click on the field to add an agency

  3. Save
    Don't forget to save the changes. Users in that agency will now be able to add candidates to this job.

How do I assign a Candidate to an Agency?

Agency users can do more than add candidates. They can also conduct interviews, screen candidates, and move candidates to different stages. The extent of their abilities will depend on their access group. To assign specific candidates to agencies follow the below steps.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you are interested in auto-assigning applicants to agencies based on their country.

  1. Select Candidates
    Pick the candidates you would like to assign to the agency. From there, use the More button to see the Assign to Agency option.

FAQs and Troubleshooting

What can agency users see in Pinpoint?

Agency users can only see candidates they have either added or been assigned. They can only see Jobs assigned explicitly to their agency.

If an agency user is given permission in their access group to view comments, they can see all comments on the candidate's application. This is different from external recruiters.

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