Email templates allow you to save time by creating pre-defined reusable templates for the messages you send most often. Read more about that here: What Are Email Templates?
Create an Email Template
First, browse to the navigation on the left hand side of your Pinpoint Admin Screen and select 'Templates' under the 'Settings' section:
Click '+ Create New' and you will be presented with the following form:
Fill out the information in each form field.
You can insert dynamic variables into the email (this is a piece of information that is different in each email, such as the recipient's name). Just click 'Insert Variable' next to the field in which you'd like it to be added.
A preview of the email appears on the right. Variables will be encapsulated within two curly brackets like this: {{Job}}.
Edit/Delete an Email Template
Browse to the navigation on the left hand side of your Pinpoint Admin Screen and select 'Templates' under the 'Settings' section.
Click on the job name to edit the job
Click on the 3 dots on the right to duplicate or delete the template
Note on Standard Candidate Templates and Standard Recruiter Templates
You can only edit standard candidate templates and standard recruiter templates. You cannot delete these, as they are linked to core Pinpoint functions.
Further Reading