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Automation Overview
Peter Flickinger avatar
Written by Peter Flickinger
Updated over a week ago

Automations are a powerful tool in Pinpoint that can help you save time and customize the platform to your needs. With automations, you can automate tasks and processes, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of your business. In this article, we'll talk about the three main parts of automations in Pinpoint and how to use them to your advantage.

Workflow Automations (Automations V2)

This feature allows you to automate tasks and processes in various areas of your business. With Automations, you can create rules and triggers that will automatically perform actions based on certain conditions. Automations can trigger across offers, jobs, applications, and more.

Automation Templates

The second part of automations in Pinpoint is the automation templates. These templates are pre-built automations that are designed to help you quickly set up common automations. Simply select the template that best fits your needs, customize it to your liking, and you're ready to go. You can make adjustments to tailor the automation to your needs.

Job Automations (Automations V1)

The third and final part of automations in Pinpoint is job automations. These automations are specific to a particular job and allow you to automate tasks and processes related to that job. For example, you can set up an automation to automatically send a reminder email to a client when their project is due. Job automations are a great way to streamline your workflow and ensure that tasks are completed on time.

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