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Job automation is a powerful tool that can help streamline your hiring processes. With just a few clicks, you can set up automated actions that will save you time and effort in managing job applications. In this article, we will go over the basics of job automations and how you can use them to your advantage.
Currently, we have two fundamental triggers for job automation:
Job Application Stage Changed
New Job Application Received
With either of these triggers, you can set conditions for when to trigger a workflow. We have four conditions:
Stage Name Equals
Multiple Choice Question Answers Include
Question Answer Matches
Stage Equals Applied
Once you have set your triggers and conditions, you can choose the action you want the automation to take on the Job Application. We have three possible actions:
Reject and Send Email to Applicant
Send Email to Applicant
Tag Application
With these building blocks, you can build automations that help support your hiring processes. Here are some common examples of workflows that our users have set up:
Auto reject application when a candidate requires visa sponsorship
Tag candidates with "Good Fit" after they pass a certain stage
Auto send reject emails when candidates are moved to a Reject stage
With these examples in mind, you can get creative and create your own unique workflows to support your hiring needs.