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Pinpoint's Advanced Search

Learn how to take advantage of Pinpoint's advanced search feature to help you find your candidates within Pinpoint.

Dom Hughes avatar
Written by Dom Hughes
Updated over a week ago

Advanced Search has been enabled by default for customers who joined Pinpoint since November 2021. If you do not see Advanced Search in your Pinpoint, contact Pinpoint's Support team or your Customer Success representative to have this turned on.

What is advanced search?

Advanced search allows you to search within your candidates' submitted CV/résumés and within their applications.

Where can I use advanced search?

You can use Pinpoint's advanced search within:

A specific Job

The Talent Pipeline

and Pinpoint's All Candidates view

How can I use advanced search?

Within a specific Job

Click on the Advanced button next to the Search bar to reveal the advanced search fields.

Within the Talent Pipeline

Click on the Advanced button next to the Search bar to reveal the advanced search fields.

Within Pinpoint's All Candidates view

Click on the Advanced button next to the Search bar to reveal the advanced search fields.

Once you have found the advanced search fields, you can search by entering in your search term into one or both of the fields shown and clicking Search.

Advanced Searching Tips

Using advanced search, you are able to improve the specificity of your search results. Advanced search supports the following operators:

  • AND / + signifies and operation

  • OR / | signifies an or operation

  • NOT / - negates a word or phrase

  • " search for an exact word or phrase (e.g. "exceptional performance" would search for those words in that exact order)

  • * at the end of a word signifies a prefix query (e.g. hel* would search for words starting hel - like hello or help)

  • ( and ) signify precedence

  • ~N after a phrase (words within quotes) signifies a proximity search. A proximity search allows us to specify a maximum edit distance of words in a phrase e.g. "fox quick"~5 would match both "quick fox" and also "quick brown fox"

To help improve the accuracy of your results, we encourage you to separate your search terms by relevance.

If you supply multiple queries (e.g. for both resumé and candidate profile), results will only be reflective of candidates that satisfy both sets of criteria.

What fields does advanced search use?


  • Address: The physical address associated with the application.

  • Email: The email address provided in the application.

  • Name: The name of the applicant.

  • Job Title: The position the applicant is applying for.

  • Current Stage: The current status of the application in the hiring process.

  • Tags: Any tags that have been applied to the application for categorization or filtering purposes.

Talent Pipeline Candidates

  • Name: The name of the candidate.

  • Email: The email address of the candidate.

  • Tags: Any tags applied to the candidate for organizational purposes.

  • Address: The physical address of the candidate.

  • Interest Structure Names: Names of any departments or locations that the candidate has expressed interest in.


  • Emails: All email addresses associated with any submitted applications by the candidate.

  • Phone Numbers: All phone numbers provided by the candidate.

  • Structure Names: Names of any structures related to talent pipeline candidates.

  • Job Titles: All job titles that the candidate has applied for.

  • Full Names: All variations of the candidate's full name.

  • Addresses: All addresses associated with the candidate.

  • Skills: Any skills that have been assigned to the candidate.


  • Executive Summary: The summary of a candidate's resume.

  • Certifications: Any certifications identified within the resume.

  • Achievements: Notable achievements pulled from the resume.

  • Full Name, Email, Address, Phone Numbers: Basic contact information extracted from the resume.

  • Education History: Educational background details provided in the resume.

  • Employment History: Work experience listed in the resume.

  • Raw Text of Resume: The complete text of the resume, allowing for keyword searches throughout the document.

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