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How do I automatically send an email after a candidate has moved to a specific stage?
How do I automatically send an email after a candidate has moved to a specific stage?

Speed up emailing applicants when they enter a stage using Workflow Automation

Ces Garcia avatar
Written by Ces Garcia
Updated over a week ago

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Pinpoint's Workflow Automation system allows you to automate sending an email when a candidate enters a specific stage.

For example, if you'd like to email candidates once they enter a phone screen or review stage in a job's hiring workflow, you can set this up in workflow automations. In the following example, I'll be sending candidates who've entered the 'Industry Chat with SME' stage an email titled 'Industry Chat' to discuss a specific, industry-related problem in my test organization.


There are a few prerequisites you'll need to be aware of when setting up this system.

  • In order to pick out an email that can be used for automation, it will need to be an email that exists in the Custom section of your email templates list in the Templates area of Pinpoint. Please note the automation only allows you to pick out Custom email templates.

  • You'll need to have the Company Manager role assigned to you to set up the automation, but anyone creating jobs will have access to use workflows once they are configured.

  • Workflow automation needs to be enabled on a job-by-job basis.

How do I set up Workflow Automation?

Step 1

Once you've had the system enabled by your Customer Success Specialist, from Pinpoint's left hand navigation bar, select the Templates page under the Settings heading.

Step 2

From the Templates menu, select the Workflow Automation Templates page, and click the Create New button on the right hand side.

Step 3

Give the particular automation you're working on a title, and continue scrolling down the page to fill in the required options.

You'll need to pick a trigger that starts the automation process, such as a New Job Application being received.

You'll need to pick some conditions that our system can check to decided what action to take, so here, we're asking the system to see if the stage the candidate is in is called "Industry Chat".

You'll then select what part of the system the subsequent action will take place on, so here, if we're rejecting someone, the target is a Job Application

And finally, you'll need to tell the system what action to take, so in this case, we're going to send the candidate that 'Industry Chat' email.

For emails, you'll be asked which user of the platform it will come from, whether you'd like to tag the applicant in the process, and how long after the application the email should be sent to the candidate.


Step 4

With those options all filled in, our system will give you a summary of what's to take place, and once you're happy, you can go ahead and press the Create Workflow Automations button.


How do I add Workflow Automation to a job?

Step 1

Once you have set up your email templates and workflow automation templates, you can use them on a job from within the New Job or Edit Job menus in Pinpoint.

Step 2

You'll be able to add the Automation for the question further down the page

Once those settings have all been put in place, you can publish or save the job and the automation will come into effect immediately.


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