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Onboarding Workflows
Peter Flickinger avatar
Written by Peter Flickinger
Updated over a week ago

Workflows allow you to automate different steps of the onboarding process. They are a collection of documents and data you want to give to, or receive from, the candidate during their onboarding. You can have different workflow templates depending on the type of hire you are making.

Workflows are made up of stages, and these stages allow you to group together common elements or requests so that they make sense to your candidates. You may want to have a stage with all the documents you want a candidate to read, followed by a stage where you collect their accounting details for payroll.

Workflows can also have associated scheduled emails assigned to them, so your system can email the candidates a number of days before or after their designated start date.

Workflows are being replaced with Processes. To start migrating over please follow these instructions.

Configure your Workflows

1. Navigate to the Workflows page of your onboarding system.

2. From this page, create your first Workflow by clicking the Create New button on the top right hand side. You'll be presented with the New Workflow overview, and from here you can add new stages by clicking the Add Stage button. Don't forget to give the new workflow a name.

3. To reveal the details of each stage, click the down arrow on the right hand side of each stage. Each stage is split into two distinct sections. At the top, you have space to add any details or imagery you may wish to display in this stage, and underneath, you have a section where you can require the candidate to give submit details back to you.

4. For the stage details, you can have any number of blocks and we have Text, Quotes, Video or Image Gallery as options here. Click on a block icon in the top section and drag it to the list below. The order of the list will be reflected in the order the blocks appear inside the candidate portal.

5. Clicking on the edit button of any block will reveal the details of the content in the block for you to configure.

6. For the Requirements section, the available blocks are text (short or long versions), a checkbox, a document or Image, a date or a URL. Again, click the edit button along side any block in your list to edit the details and configure the block's options.

7. For documents in particular, there are 2 significant options. With normal documents and images, you can either require the candidate to upload a document to you, or attach a document to the workflow to have the candidate look at it and then do something with, such as sign and send back. These first two options are suitable for documents and images that aren't customised to each individual candidate.

If you want to send each candidate who goes through this workflow a unique document, such as their own named contract, you can choose Unique Attachment here and at the point at which you send a candidate through this workflow, the system will ask you to attach the document at that moment.

8. When you have created all the blocks you need, click the Finish Editing button. Your workflow will now be listed on the Workflows dashboard, and you can preview them by click on the eye symbol on the right hand side of each workflow.

9. You can also have scheduled emails assigned to a workflow, and these are timed to go out a number of days before or after the start date you'll designate for a candidate when you send them through onboarding. You may want to email them a week before they start to get them geared up and excited about their new position, or email them a week after they start to make sure they've completed certain action items you set for them during their first week. To configure the scheduling details, select your hiring workflow from the workflows list, and then click on the Emails tab at the top of the screen in the Workflow editor.

The emails will need to be template emails you've set up in the Templates section of Pinpoint.

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