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How do I unmerge/split two merged candidates?
How do I unmerge/split two merged candidates?
Peter Flickinger avatar
Written by Peter Flickinger
Updated over 5 months ago

How to Split a Merged Candidate Profile

Sometimes, candidates' profiles may be merged when they share the same email. This can happen if, for example, two candidates are sharing the same family email. While this can help keep track of candidates, there may be instances where you need to split the merge. This can easily be done within the candidate's profile. Here's how:

Step 1: Go to the Candidate's Profile

To begin, navigate to the candidate's profile that you wish to split. You can do this by going to the "All Candidates" page and searching for the candidate's name or email in the search bar.

You can also open the candidate's profile by going to the job and clicking on the candidate's name from the candidate list. When looking at their application, click on the profile icon to open their profile.

Step 2: Go to the Application Section

Once on the candidate's profile, scroll down to the application section. This is where you will see all the applications associated with this candidate.

Step 3: Split the Merge

Next, locate the application you wish to separate from this candidate's profile. Click the three dots next to the application. A drop-down menu with various options will appear.

From this menu, click on the option to "Split Record". This will remove the selected application from this candidate's profile and create a new profile for the candidate associated with that application. The new profile will have all of the same information, so be sure to update it or the current profile with the correct information.

Step 4: Restore the Original Data

If you want the original information back on the application, head to the one you would like to correct. From here, scroll down to the History tab to see what information was changed by the merge.

And that's it! You have successfully split a merged candidate profile. This can be helpful in cases where multiple candidates are sharing the same email, but you need to keep their profiles separate. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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