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How do I use the Job Board Marketplace to advertise or sponsor my job posting?
How do I use the Job Board Marketplace to advertise or sponsor my job posting?

Reach a larger volume and a better fit of candidates using our Job Board Marketplace.

Harry Langdon avatar
Written by Harry Langdon
Updated over 11 months ago

The Job Board Marketplace (JBM) is part of improving your "sourcing" of candidates. This is all about marketing yourselves and utilising tools to get a larger volume and a better fit of candidate.

Job Board Marketplace takes advantage of a number of job boards to allow you to market your jobs to the most suited job board.

April 2024 update: If your organisation already has a contract with LinkedIn for paid job postings, any paid LinkedIn posts you attempt within the Job Board Marketplace will not post successfully. This due to LinkedIn's own policies. Please use the provisions of your existing contract to make paid job posts on LinkedIn.

Please note: You will need the 'Manage job adverts' permission assigned to your Pinpoint account to be able to access the Job Board Marketplace. Find out how to get this assigned in our guide How do I grant Permissions to an individual user?

How it works

1. Go to the job you'd like to advertise and click the below buttons:

This takes you to your the Job Boards page with a pre-filled list of job boards:

2. If you've used this job board before feel free to 'Add' it to your basket, if this is the first time, we recommend you click 'more info':

3. This leads you to the below page where you can see more information about the job board, and why Pinpoint recommends it

4. On the right-hand side you can click the type of advert you want, then update or add to your basket.

5. Get your post set up by providing a 'campaign name' and a company logo to show alongside the posting. Your logo will pull from your company settings automatically but you can change this job to job if you need to.

The next section will be specific to what you want to post including the job title and job description which will also be pulled from the original description when you first created the job.

You'll also need to input data relating to the working location of the role, the key contact for the role, salary and working hours.

Note: the maximum salary and working hours are required by some job boards in order to process correctly. These fields will not display on locations such as LinkedIn where they are not required. You can have the maximum salary set as '0' if you wish as a workaround.

You will then be asked to input Target Groups to help your selected job boards identify where this job will sit within their platform.

6. Select the 'Basket' icon on the top right of the page and all selected job boards will be listed in a separate window. Once you are happy with the job boards selected you can then select 'Review and Pay'

You will then be taken to pay for what is currently in your basket. You can select saved card details to make your purchases or enter new card details using the card details field and then select 'Confirm and Pay'

7. See your live jobs being advertised on job boards!

From here, you'll be able to view each job board and their posting status.

Note: All job boards differ when it comes to authorising new job posts. Some will post immediately while others may take up to 48 hours to post. By clicking on the trash bin icon, you'll be able to remove this posting from the chosen job board. Again, this action will be dependent on the job board authorising this and can take up to 48 hours.


If for any reason, you would like your Job posting removed from any chosen job board you can click on the red trash bin icon within the 'Live Adverts' page.

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