Hiring Managers can add information about themselves to a public profile, which will be visible to prospective candidates when the manager is assigned to a job in Pinpoint.
This is what it looks like:
Instructions for the hiring manager
Firstly, login to Pinpoint.ย
Next, click the profile icon in the upper right and select 'Settings':ย
Next, add a profile image in the avatar section. The max file size is 100KB and we accept .png, .jpg and .jpeg. The files also need to be square and 192px x 192px max, so the images are displayed correctly.
Next, add your contact information (this is optional).ย
This information will be displayed on your hiring manager profile page.
Prospective candidates love to see information about the people they'll be working with, so the more information you can provide here, and in the Bio section below, the better.
Finally, add your bio:
The final step to make your profile visible is to turn this toggle on which is located towards the bottom of the page:
Finally, press save!