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Career Sites Draft and Live Sites
Peter Flickinger avatar
Written by Peter Flickinger
Updated over 7 months ago

Whether you are creating a new career site or making changes to an existing one, it's important to understand the workflow for working with draft and live sites. This article will guide you through the process of copying, previewing, and publishing your career site.

You have two career sites that you can edit: draft or live. A draft site is a version of your career site that has not yet been published and can only be viewed by you and other users with access to your account. A live site, on the other hand, is the version that is visible to the public.

Working on a draft site is recommended when making changes to your career site. This lets you preview your changes before making them live on your site. It also serves as a backup in case you want to revert to the previous version of your site.

How do I copy the Live site onto my Draft Site?

If you are starting a new career site or want to change your existing live site, copying your live site to the draft site is a great first step. This ensures that your live site remains unchanged and your draft site is up to date.

To copy your live site to a draft site, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Company Profile page

  2. Click on the Career Sites tab

  3. Select the Draft Site

  4. Click the Copy Current button

Now you can begin making changes. If at any time you want to discard the changes you've made and start again, repeat these steps.

How do I preview my Draft site?

After making changes to your draft site, you may want to preview them before publishing them to your live site. This allows you to see how your changes will look to the public.

To preview your draft site, click the "View Draft Site" button on the right of the Edit Draft Site page.

If you are satisfied with the changes, you can move on to publishing your draft site.

How do I Publish a Draft Site?

You can publish your draft site when you are ready to make your changes live. This will replace your live site with the updated version of your draft site.

To publish your draft site, click on the "Copy Current" button.

Remember, you can always make changes to your draft site and publish them again whenever needed. This allows you to continuously update and improve your career site without affecting the live version.

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