Whilst creating a new job (or editing an existing one) you'll find a section of the setup page called Questions.
You can use this section to add questions to your job's application forms and then use the answer to those questions in several ways, including
Filtering a list of candidates for a job to see which ones answered a question a particular way. You can then perform actions like tagging, messaging or moving between hiring workflow stages en mass.
Using our automation system to take actions on candidates based on how they answer the questions, such as automating rejection or tagging.
Produce reports via our Report Builder to list out candidate answers for further analysis
You can also
Make answering a question required or optional
Mark a question as having a sensitive answer and making those answers visible only to recruiters with a special Sensitive Answer Viewer privilege
Build banks of template questions which can be added to a job collectively, saving hours of time rewriting them on each new job
Enforce specific questions appearing on all job application pages
You can set up questions and have candidates answer with one of the following answer types including:
Short text
Long Text
Multiple-choice options
A document, a date, or a URL.
Configuring Questions using Templates (Recommended)
If you want to use questions with our automation system, with report builder or enforce them at a company level, you need to create your questions as templates.
Step 1
Select the Templates menu, found under the settings heading from Pinpoint's left hand menu.
Step 2
Select the Questions tab and then press the Create New button
Step 3
Fill in the details and confirm the whether the question is required, deemed sensitive and whether the question is to be enforced on all job application pages for your company
Alternatively, if you don't need to use questions with our automation system, with report builder or enforce them at a company level, you can create ad-hoc questions on any job by adding in questions manually using the Add New Questions button. You can still use answers to these ad-hoc questions to filter candidate lists.
Adding questions to a job
You can add your templated questions or create ad-hoc questions in the Questions section of our New Job process, or edit any existing job to do the same for already-created vacancies.
These questions will then appear on your job's application form